Friday, August 20, 2010

Our journey right now

While sitting in the hospital by my husband, I read an IN TOUCH article by Dr. Charles F. Stanley. The main topicwas about busyness, which was a good one and at another time would be meant for me.

As I read the article, I realized there were points Dr. Stanley touched on that ministered to me right now. Basically, what I gleened from the article is to live in God's will by surrendering this time to Him and knowing that His plans are always good and perfect.

Dr. Stanley knows that our human tendency is to want to know the entire plan, but that is not God's way. "He says His Word is a lamp to our feet (Ps 119:105), not a searchlight." He also used an example of getting into your car at night, turning on the lights and driving. You drive in the beam without knowing what lies ahead in the darkness. Which is where I am right now.

I'm driving in the dark with Gene, my husband, as my passenger. I'm trying to discern where to take him next. It has been a very bumpy road for us. I've had some major medical decisions, and I've wondered as i drive on if I chose the right roads for him. The lights of my car seemed to dim each time, which has made it harder.

Dr. Stanley says, the Will of God usually comes to us in small increments. After we take one step, He reveals the next. I have truly seen this as I sit at the steering wheel confronted with life or death decisions that need to be made for him almost every other day, and not knowing if my choices were good ones.

I would love to have the search light shining all the way to the end of the journey,and see that Gene will be okay. Herein lies my lesson of learning to trust the Lord around every bend and turn in the dark with my headlights on.

Dr. Stanley says, "One of the greatest advantages of such dependent obedience is the freedom of leaving the consequences to Him. This truly gives me peace.

I have been so caught up with emotion, fear, and trepidation of the unknown that I had forgotten, AGAIN, that

He is in Control!



  1. Love you Susan. Thank you for sharing your heart and being so vulnerable to us all. Ultimately God is at the steering wheel. He never is distracted by our singing, yelling, crying, and He never text messages while driving. His focus is on the road for our safety and He knows where He is taking us. I praise HIM for showing His endless love for you. I share with you in being strapped in that car seat,(I for one, am sometimes an unwilling passenger) and ultimately surrendering to HIM. I know He will continue to be there when those overwhelming decisions will have to be made. He is a GOOD ABBA.

  2. You are so right, Natalie! Gene had a good day today. I actually left the hospital and got some errands done. I'm going back tonight to sit with him for a while. I know the Lord is making us better people through this journey!

  3. Thanks for sharing your story Susan.
    I miss hearing from you, maybe once things have settled down.
    Take care my friend
