Thursday, July 29, 2010

I need your prayers


I'm just home for a couple of minutes, but wanted to ask you to please pray for a full recovery for my husband, Gene. He had a stroke today, it was a big clot in his brain. They were able to remove it and smaller ones, but not sure what the outcome will be.

Thank you so much, Susan


  1. Susan - I have already prayed for Gene. I hope by now he is doing better. I love what you have written about God speaking to us through His Word. I can't tell you the "joy" it has brought me during the past few months when I read something in the Bible that jumped right out at me and I knew it was the Lord talking just to me.

  2. Susan,
    Whenever you come to mind (often during the day), I whisper a prayer for you and Gene. Please keep us updated as to his progress. Is there anything I can do for you? Run errands? Bring you some lunch? I love you...remember HE, indeed, is in control.

  3. OH Susan, I am so sorry. Please take care and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you!! I am so glad we met, you are an inspiration!
