Monday, July 12, 2010

He Is in control

Hi everyone - my name is Sandy and I have known Susan for what seems like most of my life. She has asked me to join her blog.

I'm not sure what I am doing, so this is first of all just a test.

I do want to say that God's strength is completed in my weakness. If I didn't know Him - I would have to be in a padded room just about now. However, that is not the case and He means more to me than anything on this earth. I am living a "life lesson" through the Lord at this time and despite how I sometimes feel, God continues to love and care for me.

I won't go into details right now, but I am facing "major" surgery. I have experienced despair, fear, anxiety, stress and intense worry over this surgery since May. BUT - the Lord has given me strength, hope, faith, trust and courage - sometimes in His word and sometimes through the wonderful people that I call friends and even strangers. This evening I went to my church's chapel with a dear friend and I was prayed for and anointed with oil. I cannot tell you the peace that this brought to me. God does love our prayers and He hears each and every one of them. I am so blessed to know Him. Although my faith is the size of a grain of mustard seed - it counts with our Lord.

I will share more about my story later.


  1. Wow! Sandra you are gifted! I know we all will be blessed by sharing in your journey! I'm so glad I was listening when the Lord said to ask you to write on our blog! I know we will all be lifting you up in our prayers!

  2. Thank you for sharing your heart Sandy. It really touched mine. You will be on my daily prayer list. Today I think this scripture is meant for you...Zephaniah 3:17.
    Your sister in Him, Natalie

  3. FYIPHL said...
    Dear Sandy,

    I can understand your concern about your colon. We all have cancer cells in our bodies...and it's much better to "nip it" sooner than later. You are blessed to know rather than trying to play catch up later on.

    My personal experience:

    I've had breast cancer twice. Both times it was a blessing. I would rather know than not. Many people have said, "That must have been a scary time for you." No...not scary at all. I looked at the diagnosis twice and considered as God thumping me on the head.

    I'm pretty stubborn and the first time ignored the symptoms. Not for days or weeks, but months. My doctor told me cancer doesn't burn and it doesn't hurt so I skipped a simple mammography. My cancer did burn and the burning was followed with a sharp pain like being stabbed with an ice pick. I had a body odor only I could smell. There were other symptoms too.

    After my first diagnosis and surgery, I went to a second oncologist to help resolve my other strange symptoms Like most women, the nurse working my case asked how I discovered my breast cancer. I was explaining the many symptoms I'd ignored, and when I mentioned smelling an odor, she stopped me saying, "It's interesting that you noticed an odor. That's the first time I've heard of an odor with breast cancer." I was confused and asked what she meant by her comment. She replied, "Some oncology nurses actually develop a nose for cancer and can smell liver and pancreatic cancers before they are diagnosed by a doctor."

    Getting back to your situation. In my humble opinion, God isn't finished with you yet. Just subtracting some of your body while leaving the best parts intact. We may not always know the "why" but one thing we can count on is God's love....and the way He will put others in your life that have faced surgery, illness, and trials that can offer comfort as you walk your path.

    Glad I found you on the blog and may God heal you....body, mind, heart and soul.

    In Him,

    July 15, 2010 9:24 AM
    PS Just finished our women's prayer group and you were lifted up!
