Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What is the Lord's Plan for My Life?

This is something I have struggled with for a very long time. When I first became a Christian at the age of twenty, and for many years, I believed my purpose was to teach people things I learned from a Christian lady named Mary. (I wrote about her in my blog on July 8th, “One of my Lifetime Memorials”.) She had some beliefs that were not part of mainstream Christianity. As the years passed, and some of her prophesies did not happen. I began to question these beliefs, and eventually, wandered from my walk with the Lord.

After repenting and being forgiven by our Lord and Savior, I have worried that I walked away from His plan for my life. I have prayed about it for many years. I have read books on the subject. Yet, I didn’t experience any epiphanies.

Recently, when I talked to Sandy about her upcoming surgery and her walk with the Lord, she brought up the same topic. She has struggled over the years too, not really knowing her purpose for being here. In speaking with Sandy, it made me realize that I’m not alone. I want the Lord to one day say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

In 2001, while praying about this very subject, the Lord gave me a scripture. Psalm 45:1 “My heart overflows with a good theme; I address my verses to the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” I was so excited. I finally found my purpose! As a teacher my favorite thing was reading children’s books to my students. I loved watching their faces and reactions to the stories. I decided the Lord must want me to write children’s books. I tried many times, but there just wasn’t any real inspiration. I even thought that if the books glorified God in some way that was my purpose.

I have always had that scripture in my mind as a possible purpose for my life, but I quit trying to make it happen. The day I started this blog, (which you can read about by looking back at “I’m Here” in June). I didn’t think of that scripture. I have only recently realized that I’m fulfilling it!

I write this to encourage you. I’ve been so worried about my role in His Kingdom, and that I wasn’t doing enough. I realize now that I just need to keep my main role in His Kingdom, which is walking in obedience, and simply being a light to others. He will cause the rest to happen in His time!

Praise His Holy Name!


Please pray for Colby’s healing
Bonnie’s healing of her tumor
Miriam’s healing by a miracle or successful hip surgery on Aug. 14th
Sandy’s healing by a miracle or successful surgery
Nancy a job
Butch to hear from his daughter

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