Saturday, July 17, 2010

More from Sandy

My sincere thanks for the prayers and replies to my posts. It's at times like these that I realize how wonderful people can be. I have been so blessed by the people that the Lord has chosen to put in my life. He has worked through each person to send me His love and care.

I have to admit that mornings are not an easy thing for me. I begin by lying in bed allowing negative thoughts to encompass me. This morning I woke up thinking about my daughter's first colonoscopy on Tuesday (July 19). I have been praying unceasingly to God that neither my son or daughter will ever have polyps - that their colons will be healthy. The Lord has told me that he will keep them safe and I have to hang on to that thought. So many times my faith fails me and that's when I get into some serious trouble. 2 Tim. 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. When I allow the worry and anxiety to overtake me - I have given in to the adversary. I try to think of bible verses and God's love at times like this morning, but being so human there are moments when panic sets in and stays a while. I'm sure you have heard that you can measure your faith by the distance you are from God. This is such a true statement. God does not distance Himself from me, it is I who distance myself from Him and allow the "spirit of fear" to overwhelm me.

Here's just a brief update on the events going on in my life involving the surgery. Yesterday I had a very busy day, so I actually wore an "ostomy" bag filled with water to see how it would feel after the surgery. Great news - I didn't even notice it for most of the day and it didn't leak. Having my colon removed - I will have to have a "stoma" (the end of the small intestine brought out through a hole in my abdomen) - which will empty waste into the ostomy bag. If all goes well this will only be for three months and then I will go back in for surgery to attach the small intestine to a "j-pouch" which will store the waste and empty it out the normal way. Hope this doesn't gross anybody out - It did me at first, but it's going to be my reality so I have to face it and I am not ashamed of having to do this. This means life for me and in a way a rebirth. God led me to have the colonoscopy and He is giving me more time to be on this earth. I pray that He will use me to love and care for others. I go Monday afternoon to an "ostomy" meeting at Kaiser Hospital. I'm hoping that there will be some others like me there that will share their experiences. I'm also waiting for results from a blood test to see if I carry a certain cancer gene. God's whispering voice tells me the results will be good.

Just want to end this with Phillipians 4:6-8 Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Prayer requests: Please pray for -
Colby's staff infection and for the steroids to work so he doesn't have to have a bone marrow transplant
Bonnie's healing
Joan's healing
Nancy that she gets the AAA job
Miriam's healing for her hip

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