Monday, July 12, 2010

The Passion Flower, continued from the last blog!

Van and I discussed our thoughts on what all this could mean. We both thought that it was Mary visiting him. Now, though, I realize it was the Holy Spirit. Soon after this event occurred, Van found another job. We never saw each other again.

That first day back to work, I was so excited about what had happened to Van. I could hardly wait to get home to tell someone about it! I called my mom to tell her. She thought it sounded pretty crazy. As I mentioned before, my parents were not Christians. I told her that Van had described it as a sweet smelling fragrance.

About two hours later, my mom called. She was so excited. She said that after we talked, she smelled a strong fragrance in the house! I have four younger siblings. They all smelled it too. Interestingly, the fragrance was the strongest in my sister, Shelly’s, bedroom near a picture of the Lord that I had given her. Also, it was very strong in the living room near some candles that I had given my mom. They were all very excited and astounded by the experience.

I hurried over to their house, hoping to smell the fragrance too. It was gone, by the time I got there. My dad came home. We told him everything. He was actually mad. He said it was all just craziness and our imaginations. Over the years someone would bring up the event, and if my dad was around, he would just laugh and ridicule us.

Eight years later, my dad came to visit me, which he did on a regular basis. (I was married and had two sweet little girls.) When he walked into my living room, there was something different about him. I can’t explain it to you, but I could feel it. The first thought and words that came out of my mouth were, “Did you accept the Lord?” He said, “Yes”!

My dad had just started going to church. He said he went into his garage, closed the garage door, knelt down, and asked the Lord into his heart. He then asked the Lord to give him a sign that He was real.

Are you ready? This has always been so unbelievable to me that God would do this! My dad said the garage filled up with this strong, beautiful fragrance! My dad could hardly believe it either! He said the only place he could smell it was in the garage. If he walked outside, it wasn’t there. And, my dad did not have any flowers growing. It made him a very strong believer!

I have never smelled the special fragrance. I wish I could! After Mary’s passing, through Van, when my faith was wavering, I believe the Lord confirmed to me that He truly exists! Just as He did for my dad!

He is in Control! Praise His Holy Name!


I think you will love these scriptures!

Ephesians 5: 1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children: (2) and walk in love, JUST AS CHRIST ALSO LOVED YOU, AND GAVE HIMSELF UP FOR US, AN OFFERING AND A SACRIFICE TO GOD AS A FRAGRANT AROMA.

2 Corinthians 2:14~17 (14) But thanks be to God, who alwasys leads us in His triumph in Christ, and MANIFESTS THROUGH US THE SWEET AROMA OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM IN EVERY PLACE. (15) FOR WE ARE A FRAGRANCE OF CHRIST TO GOD among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; (16) to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life. And who is adequate for these things? (17) For we are not like many, peddling the word of God, but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God (My capitalization!).

Prayer requests:

My dear friend Sandra has to have her colon removed. I’m asking first for a miracle of healing for her. If, though, God has another plan for Sandra, please pray for Him to be with her and the doctors, and please pray that the j-pouch is SUCCESSFUL!

Bonnie's MRI did not show much change on the tumor near her spine. Please pray for her as she waits on the Lord. Please continue to pray for her healing!

Please pray that BP will be successful in capping the oil gusher today.

If you would like to email me:

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