Thursday, July 8, 2010

One of My Lifetime Memorials

While away, I had time to reflect on my own question of how to keep memories alive of the Lord’s miracles and touches that I have received. For many years, I have kept a prayer journal, but it would be hard to go back and read through all of those pages on a regular basis. This is probably a “no brainer” for everyone but me, but I thought of keeping a list! My friend, Laurie, just gave me a beautiful journal that she designed. I’m going to use it! (I put a link to her blog, where you can see her gorgeous creations.)

Thinking back to some of the milestones in my walk with the Lord, I realized that I needed to look back at the beginning of His miracles in my life. I thought I would share some with you.

To say the least, I did not grow up in a Christian home. I could write a book about my dysfunctional family, but I will leave that for a book! (Though, I’m not sure who would want to read it!) My mother did send me to a Christian summer school once, probably just to get me out of her hair. Sometimes a neighbor took me to Sunday school, but I never went consistently. However, from a very young age, I remember having an awareness of God. I prayed to Him for things like not getting a spanking, but I obviously didn’t know Him!

At the age of twenty, out of high school, taking some college courses, working at an ice cream parlor, and partying with my friends, we suddenly found ourselves talking about God. This was in 1968. (I mention this because I did not know it at the time, but there was a revival going on in our little town of Corona, California. Maybe I will write more about that later.)

We spent several nights over coffee discussing things we thought we knew about God. One evening a friend took us to a lady’s house. Mary read scriptures to us. She talked to us about the importance of asking for the forgiveness of our sins, and accepting the Lord into our lives. My interest was piqued, but I thought she was weird! All of my other friends were very excited as we talked about the visit later in the night.

A couple of days went by and one of my friends called. She said that she and a few others were going over to Mary’s to learn more about God, and they wanted me to come along. I had already made plans to go with another friend, who knew of a man that had a lot of young people studying with him. I told my friend I couldn’t go to Mary’s with them. I was really excited to to meet this guy that could not be as weird as Mary! (I later found out that man was a true Satan worshipper.)

As I drove to meet up with my friend so we could drive to the man’s house, something powerful came over me. I was shaking. I felt driven. Something was taking over my thoughts and my being. Suddenly, this compelling, forceful thought came over me. It was telling me that I must go to Mary’s house immediately. I ran up to my friend’s door, tried to explain, jumped back into my car and sped off to Mary’s.

I ran up to her door, rang the bell, she opened it, and there were my friends just kneeling on the floor. They were getting ready to accept the Lord into their lives! Yes, I did too! I knew without a doubt that He had led me there for that glorious moment in my life!

Praise His Holy Name!


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