Monday, May 16, 2011

Cautiously Optimistic

From Sandy -
Well - you'll never guess what happened today to Ron. It is his birthday today. He was born on May 16. God gave him a birthday present. Ron was taken off of the ventilator today and has been breathing on his own. The ventilator was turned off. He is on oxygen, but he is taking every breath with the help of God. I can't believe it. I can only pray to our devine Father that He continues to help Ron breathe on his own. It is a magical thing that has happened. Only Our Lord and Savior could do this. I witnessed a miracle. Yesterday my daughter and I visited Ron and he was being suctioned every half hour - he was not looking good - and we were totally discouraged. In fact we rode the 18 miles home in silence. When I got home I cried like a baby. This morning I opened my Bible and read this verse: Hebriews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen". Heprews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him". I read these verses this morning with a heavy heart. I went to the Lord in prayer and told Him that I did have faith in Him. I believe that God can do what I ask. I believe that God's time is not ours - His ways are not ours. He works in ways we cannot see - He will make a way for me. Miracles do happen today as they did in yester year. I know this is a miracle. There may be setbacks, but for some reason I think the Lord waited for His timing and He has become Ron's ventilator. The Lord is working His devine healing on Ron. Praise the Lord. This is such a wonderful thing that has happened today.
I wrote this last night and for some reason I could not post it. Probably God wanted me to wait because Ron is back on the ventilator. I really identify with Job in the Old Testament. I have to be patient and I know that this was a good thing that happened yesterday. He was able to breathe on his own. I have to be honest and tell you I am so disappointed. Even the heros of the Old Testament felt disappointment but the Lord always came through for them. I know that the Lord will come through for us too. I look at Moses, Daniel, David, Abraham, Job - The Lord was always with them and although they were also on a roller coaster ride - The Lord blessed them abundantly. I continue to wait upon the Lord.

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