Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Ventilator and Faith

From Sandy - I saw Ron today as I do almost every day, and he looked well to me. He was on the ventilator of course and the ventilator was doing most of the breathing for Ron. The Respiratory Therapist came in so we asked him how Ron was doing. He said that Ron was stable and making no progress as far as the ventilator was concerned. Ron was upset to hear this and wanted to know what he could do. The RT (Respiratory Therapist) told it to him straight. He told Ron that number 1, he had to eat three meals a day. He had to get up out of that bed and participate in life. He had to read or watch t.v. or go into the dining area and be with other people. Mainly, he told Ron to get out of bed and live - move - physically exert himself. He emphasized that eating a good meal three times a day would make him stronger and improve his lungs. Of course being the cheerleader that I have been at times with Ron, I joined in with the RT and emphasized how important it was for Ron to eat and just "live".. There are many things at Reche Canyon that people can participate in, but Ron has preferred to lay in bed. Any way, after the RT left, Ron broke down and cried. That broke my heart and I was at a loss for words. He said he is trying his best and no one knows what he is going through. Of course that is true, but sometimes what we want we have to fight for and I know that Ron will have to fight for the strength to breathe. This illness of Ron's has been traumatic in so many ways. I am selling some of our furnishings and collectibles so we can have an "emergency fund". The state of California will literally own everything we have once Ron has completed his 100 days of rehabilitation and we file for MediCal. Sometimes I get so scared just thinking about what has come about and what is to be. At times like this I have to be still and know that the Lord is my strength. I am weak but He is strong. I do believe that Ron will someday get off of the ventilator and breathe on his own. I put my trust and faith in the Lord and I know that the Lord has heard my prayers concerning Ron. Isaiah 40:31 But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Someday I pray that Ron will soar and run and not grow weary. I put my hope in the Lord - Ron has to learn to put his hope in the Lord. I will have to pray for Ron's faith to grow and for him to trust his body to the Lord. I don't know where Ron's faith is - but I do know that the Lord loves him and is holding him in the palm of His hand.

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