Tuesday, April 5, 2011

God will make a way where there seems to be no way

From Sandy - Another day of driving the 25 miles one way to see Ron. He was not happy at all to see me and seemed very grouchy. He almost looked at me as if he was blaming me for the reason he was at Reche Canyon. I try to support him and talk positive to him, but when it comes to me, he does not want to hear it. He claims that I am mean and uncaring. I don't know how I come across to Ron, maybe he's right, but I just want him to take care of himself and do the right things to get better. In my opinion I am not being mean at all - I am simply trying to get him to do things for himself and eat solid food - plus do physical therapy. By doing these, he will build up strength and positive reinforcement. I know that I am closest to Ron than anyone, and he does not care to hear or want to hear any advice that comes from me. So, I pray for him and ask the Lord to breathe in him the breath of life. Ron is better but I went home sad because he seemed to be so angry with me. I sometimes feel like I don't have a life right now. I am busy taking care of our animals, keeping the house clean, taking care of the yard, paying bills, visiting the lawyer and seeing Ron every day. It just gets discouraging to make the effort every day to see him and find that he does not seem happy at all to see me. I do love him and my heart aches for him, but sometimes positive feedback would be such a blessing. Enough of my complaining - Ron is better - that's a fact and I am forever greatful to the Lord God Almighty. He still has a very long ways to go, but I do know that the Lord is with him and goes before him paving the way for his recovery. There have been so many times that I have been doubtful that Ron would make it. So many times that the lows on this ride have taken me to depths of despair I never dreamed of. But, I do know that the Lord can do things we have never dreamed of. I have to learn how to detach from the outward world and attach myself inwardly to the Lord alone. Through these difficult times, I am learning to depend on the Lord alone. He is God - He is Holy and Almighty - He was, He is and He is to be. He is the creator - He can heal and restore even when we see no way for this to happen. I do believe that He is able to do that which I have committed onto Him against this day. He can make a way where there seems to be no way, He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me.


  1. Sandy,
    The Lord led me to "hang my hat" on this scripture almost 10 years ago for someone who was making my heart heavy. I believe it is for you today. Write Ron's name on it and the date in your Bible. Years from now when you come across it again I pray that it will make your heart rejoice.
    Isaiah 57:14-21

    and here's one just for you, Isaiah 46:4
    Love, Natalie

  2. Thank you Natalie - Loved those verses. I had already underlined Isaiah 46:4. Isaiah 57:18-19 are especially meaningful to me.
