Saturday, April 16, 2011

Don't look at difficulties - Look to God

From Sandy - When I use a magnifying glass to see what is happening in my life with all the fear, loss of income, loss of possessions, Ron's loss of health - I get literally sick to my stomach. I know that I have to turn all of these worries and anxious thoughts over to the Lord God Almighty. When I have anxious thoughts about what tomorrow brings, I am literally distancing myself from the Lord. The Bible speaks of so many heros that obeyed God in spite of what the world told them; and, with God's help they succeeded in a way they would have never dreamed of. I have heard the saying "you can measure your faith by the distance you are from God". How true this is. God's ways are not our ways. He is the Creator and He can do things and work miracles that our earthly minds cannot even conceive. There's so much peace and rest when I dwell upon God's word and His love for me. It still boggles my mind that we are as numerous as the pebbles of sand on the beach and yet He does listen to each and every one of us when we come to Him. I sometimes visualize myself as just a little pebble among many calling for God - and He bends down to hear my prayer. How small I am is how great and magnificent He is. It is so important for all of us who may be going through trials to focus on the Lord. That's easy for me to say, and sometimes hard for me to do. However, when I do get my mind off of this earthly place of anxiety and fear, I feel the peace of God that passes understanding. His presence is real to me when I get out of this world and center my thoughts and my whole being on the Lord. I'm sure you've seen the bumper sticker on cars - No God, No Peace: Know God, Know Peace. He brings me peace and hope and strength. He is my shield and my strength. He is holding me up when I feel as if I can't take any more. He is in my tomorrows and has them planned out for me - for good things, not bad!!! I wait upon the Lord with hope and faith and a bright and shining tomorrow. Ron is doing well but he is very depressed. He blames himself for the predicament that we are in and unfortunately I did tell him about our predicament. I pray for him and myself that we can nourish hope and faith, that we can grow in the knowledge that Jesus is God and He can do all things and He does hear our prayers and He does love us and He does have a brighter future out there for us. This too shall pass. All I have to do when I am feeling down is to think of what Jesus Christ went through on his way to the cross. The pain, suffering, humiliation he endured to give us life and cleanse us of our iniquities. I want Jesus to walk with me.

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