Friday, March 4, 2011

The Lord Knows the Future and has planned it out for us

Hi again - me, Sandy

Just wanted to talk about how comforting it is for me to know that the Lord knows the future for me and He is there to make the path tried and true. I forget sometimes how great the Lord really is. He does know each of our futures and He has planned out our lives. It's true that He gives us free will, but if we trust our will to Him - our future will be blessed with peace and joy.

I have a very uncertain future at this time. That's why it is so important for me to know that the Lord - He it is that goes before me. He knows the future for me and I am definitely holding His hand througout the ordeal I am going through. He will not fail me nor forsake me. I know He is here, and in the future and He knows exactly what will be. I am trusting Him with my husband, myself, and our home and finances. I know that God does make a way where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see - He will make a way for me. I have faith and hope for each new day and know that the Lord God Almighty is in my future, as well as the present and the past.

My husband Ron is making a very slow recovery - He's going forward - that's what matters. I will have to apply for Medi Cal because the cost of Ron being in a Rehab Facility with a ventilator and feeding tube is $20,000 per month. Again, I trust the Lord and know that He will provide through thick and thin. I have never ever been so close to God in my entire life. I guess He thought it was about time He sat me down and taught me some valuable lessons. The lessons I am learning and the faith that has been given to me - I am truly not worthy. It is a miracle in my eyes that the Lord God Almighty can even love a sinner such as I am. And, yet he does. I feel His love every day in every way. I know He hears my prayers and He is answering them. Maybe not as quickly as I would have Him answer them - BUT He is answering my prayers.!!!

How blessed I am to know my Lord and Savior and How blessed I am to be loved by Him. He even has the time to hear my prayers. I am truly blessed and honored to be one of his "sheep".


  1. I praise our Lord for the peace HE has given you through this storm. Your words are truly full of honor and trust in Him. I continue to pray for God's evident hand on you and Ron.

  2. Thank you Natalie for your prayers. It's been so rough, but God is guiding me. Never have I ever needed His guidance and wisdom more than I need it now. I am praying constantly for His guidance and His healing for Ron.

  3. I stumble when i think about the present and how to solve things and forget that Christ paid the price in the cross and that he has control over my life not me,praise for you and all the family in Christ around the world
