Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another trip to the hospital

From Sandy -

I went to Reche Canyon Rehab. Center today thinking that all would be well with Ron. When I got there I found out that he was being transferred back to Kaiser hospital. His red blood cell count was too low and they found blood in his stool. Not to mention another bout of pneumonia.

Sometimes I find that I am very weak. After hearing this news and seeing how scared and disappointed Ron was - I just sat in a corner, hung my head down and shed some tears. Honestly, I wonder at times why the Lord puts us through so many trials. I wonder why this roller coaster ride is going on and on and on. I identify so much with Job at times like this. He went through so much and yet he always loved the Lord.

Job 42 vs. 1-3 Then Job answered the Lord, and said, I know that thou canst do everything, and that no thought can be withholden from thee. Who is he that hideth counsel without knowledge? therefore have I uttered that I understood not, things too wonderful for me, which I knew not.

Not sure how anyone interprets this verse, but to me it says that Job knew God can do everything and none of our thoughts are secret to the Lord. We don't always understand things that happen to us or our loved ones, but the Lord does wonderful things for us which we would never think of. I may get impatient with God, but He knows what is best - I do believe this.

I will meditate upon these verses. Job was tested and lost everything, yet the Lord blessed him more at the end than at the beginning.

I don't understand what is going on right now in the lives of myself and Ron. I do sometimes feel
that the Lord is taking too long or not even listening. Especially today I'm afraid I felt like throwing in the towel. How long will these trials last? What will happen next? When will Ron get to come home? However - I love the Lord with all my heart and soul and know that He is there for both myself and Ron. It just becomes hard sometimes and I know that if Job were here today and I could talk to him, he would understand. I know that the Lord understands too. Jesus suffered so much before his short life here on earth ended. He knows me and my every thought; and being God's Son, even He was not spared horrible trials - I just want Jesus to walk with me!!!


  1. And I pray that He walks with you too. I have also been going through some really hard times and sometimes wonder if the Lord really cares about me at all. We do get tired, and our faith is weak at times, but I do know from past experience that He is always with us even when He seems so far away. I will be praying for you tonight.

  2. Caryl - thank you so much for your kind words. I know I am not the only one going through hard times - The Lord gets our attention at times like these and I know that He is with me and that "this too shall pass"!
