Monday, March 7, 2011

The Lord is my Strength and My Shield

From Sandy -

Found out last night that Ron has pneumonia. The pneumonia is not bad, and he is on a very strong antibiotic, so this too shall pass. This has been such a roller coaster ride. Ron can speak when they put a speaking valve on his trach and that has been such a blessing. The nurses don't leave it on all the time, but put it on when he has visitors. Ron tells me that he is scared. He has gone through so many setbacks after his open heart surgery - but he is definitely better. I know that the Lord wants us to be patient. His timing is not ours. I know beyond all doubt that He will heal Ron and bring him home. As to how long that will take - I have no idea. Everytime there are two steps forward - there is a step backward. Ron was unable to communicate or even know who he was talking to 4 weeks ago - today he has clarity of mind and is watching some news on t.v. He also told me today that sometimes he gets hungry. In my mind, that is totally good news and a step forward.

I do get disappointed when I find out that Ron is not progressing the way I think he should. But I know that not only is the Lord my strength and shield - He is there taking care of Ron too. I will not lose hope and faith. I tell Ron not to lose it either. We just have to believe that the Lord has heard our prayers and will answer them in His own way and time.

I praise the Lord for giving me all the wonderful verses from the Bible to sustain me during this hard time in my life. The Bible has proven to be my strength, hope, faith, courage, shield, fortress, joy, and most of all peace and love.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sandra,

    I can't believe how much you are going through. You are truly an inspiration and example of what real faith looks like. I'm still praying for both of you. I'm so happy Ron has improved so much. Praise and Thank the Lord!

    Love you!
