Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Not always joyful

From Sandy -
Another setback. Ron has some kind of problem with his bowels due to way too many antibiotics. This is treatable, but I do not know how serious it is. I found this out today and honestly I am disappointed. I really try not to entertain the words despairing or discouraged. I think Ron has developed just about every infecion known to man. He has had such a rough time of trying to get better.
Thank the Lord He doesn't expect me to be perfect. Far from perfect is where I belong. thank God, Jesus has paid the price once and for all for our sins. I love the Lord but don't understand all the suffering Ron has had to endure. I find it hard to believe that the loving God that I know would visit all the illness and negativity onto Ron as he has had to endure over the months of his illness. We don't always understand what is going on in our lives. I don't understand the suffering Ron has endured, but I cannot see the end from the beginning or the beginning from the end.
I will never doubt the Lord and His word, but that doesn't mean that I won't feel sometimes like questioning why the Lord is allowing certain pain and suffering to happen. Our ways are not God's ways. I know this and most of the time I live my life and direct my thoughts to simply trust the Lord because as long as I am here on this earth, I will never understand everything that the Lord does. I also believe that there is an evil force out there that can work His evil in my thoughts and in my heart. At these times I stand firm on the word of God. Nothing will sway me from the faith I have in Him. I denounce the evil of this world and accept the life that the Lord is offering me.
Again, I pray for Ron. I pray for his healing and salvation. May the Lord touch him and allow Ron to touch back. I simply trust in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am human and have doubts, I am not always joyful or thankful, but in the end the Lord comes through for me.

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