Thursday, June 9, 2011

Trusting God

From Sandy -
I can't believe what a "different" doctor told my family today about Ron. He said that Ron had congestive heart failure; however he could live for years that way. This doctor is a "palliative care" doctor. Palliative care is care focused on pain, symptoms and stress of serious illness. It is essentially one step above hospice. This doctor told us that Ron did not qualify for either palliative care or hospice. Needless to say, I don't know whom to believe. Ron has had five different doctors oversee his illness since he has been at Kaiser (4 weeks now). There is not one doctor that oversees everything going on with Ron. Each doctor does things differently and sees things differently. The doctor Ron had over the weekend said Ron was essentially dying - in the last stages of congestive heart failure. The palliative care doctor said Ron was not dying. He was sick and would need to get stronger but he could live for years.
I have to trust the Lord throughout Ron's illness. It was nothing short of a miracle that Ron was weaned off of the ventilator after five months of depending on it. I am so weak and so human sometimes - it disappoints me. I want to trust the Lord always in all things, but this is not the case sometimes. I know that God's ways are not our ways and we can't understand everything that God does. I have allowed myself to be swayed back and forth by nurses and doctors - at times doing this has made me doubt that the Lord even listened to me. Today was a different story. I can only maintain my faith and my serenity by trusting in the Lord for the outcome of the horrendous illnesses that Ron has suffered with.
Trusting in the Lord is always the right thing to do. You can never go wrong by putting your faith and trust in the Lord. Earthly beings separate us from our Heavenly Father - it is so important to listen to Him and tune the rest of the world out. He is the Great Physician - our Creator - We can hope in the Lord from henceforth and forever.

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