From Sandy -
Another miracle has come to our family. The Doctor sent Ron home last Thursday. Ron is still very weak, but he is off the feeding tube, his tracheotomy is healing and closing, and HE IS HOME!!!
When I look back on all the stuff Ron has gone through, it's amazing that he is still alive. He came close to dying three times this year and I was beginning to think he would never make it home. But here he is at home.
So many miracles took place in Ron's healing. When Ron was so sick, we weren't sure he was going to make it, he was taken off of the ventilator. He came through sepsis where he was actually unconscious for a month. He was aspirating his food and was having to be fed through a G-tube and now he can eat anything and everything. He is able to get by on very little oxygen. He is back in his own home in his own bedroom. I haven't mentioned all the miracles - there were some tiny ones and some powerful ones. But the biggest miracle is that Ron is back home. It took all the small miracles to enable Ron to get stronger. The Lord was touching Ron all the time with his healing power. This I believe with heart and soul. Many many people have prayed for Ron and the Lord did hear their prayers.
Now - I am asking for prayer. The task of caring for Ron has fallen upon me. I'm not complaining but sometimes it does get overwhelming. I have to stop and just ask God to give me the strength to do what I need to do. Ron is taking 14 different medications three times a day. He needs help sitting up, standing, walking, taking his meds, going to the bathroom, dressing, undressing, geting out of bed, bathing, etc.
I can do all of this with the Lord by my side. Right now I am thanking God that Ron is sleeping so I can write this post. It gives me time to gather my thoughts and put everything into perspective. When I am so rushed, I take my eyes off of the big picture and focus only on the small tasks that I am doing - a multiple of tasks, but they are small.
When I get weary, I stop and realize that right here, right now is where the Lord wants me to be. This is his task for me to do right now. Although I fall very very short of being anything close to a nurse, this is where the Lord wants me to be today. Tomorrow, I am sure things will change, but today I am right where I am supposed to be.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.