Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Commit your way onto the Lord

From Sandy -
Psalm 37:5 Commit your way onto the Lord and He shall bring it to pass.
I came upon the above verse this morning. It is the word of God spoken to me this morning. I am often way too much of this world and too little of Almighty God's. I know I am His, but so many times like a spoiled little brat I want things to go my way. I grab things back that I have turned over to the Lord thinking that He is taking way too long. Once I grab things back, I make a mess of everything and have to once again turn my way over to the Lord. This has happened so many times during Ron's illness. I have tried to force things to change and I find that I am powerless over these exact things that I so confidently thought I could fix. I get frustrated and try again - only to mess up even worse than before. I have noticed that when I am at my wit's end and I have tried everything - that's the time I surrender and that's the time that the Lord can bring "it" to pass.
With all the infections and setbacks Ron has had - I have experienced this surrender more than once. I have always thought that I can "fix it" - but I can't fix Ron. I can't talk him into doing things the way I would do them. To try to force change causes not only frustration, it causes pain, loss, heartache, failure. I have tried to "force" the Lord into making Ron better. Over and Over again on a daily basis I ask for the Lord to heal Ron in certain ways. I want Ron to be able to swallow safely and eat food again, I want Ron to be able to get up and walk, I want Ron to be able to walk to the bathroom and use his arms and hands to bathe himself. I want Ron to be able to come home and enjoy his dogs and cats and "life". None of these are wrong to ask of the Lord. But once I have placed these requests in God's hands, I need to rest with the assurance that it will be done - not in my time, but in the Lord's. Not in my way, but in the Lord's.
I commit my way unto the Lord and He shall bring it to pass. All I have to do is commit my way, my prayers, my life, my faith, my love. He is the one that will bring it to pass. I guess what this means to me is that I seek the direction that the Lord wants me to go - seek the way the Lord wants me to live - seek the Lord with everything I do - Trust in Him that once I ask - He shall bring it to pass.

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