Saturday, August 20, 2011

In a lonely place

From Sandy -
Today I feel like I am truly in a lonely place. I have been in our home alone for eight months now.
Seeing her Dad suffer and be unhappy is affecting my daughter and she claims she is having a breakdown. She has been given time off of work to be able to relax and take care of herself. I'm afraid too that I have relied too much on her. I think I am taking care of everything, but Lisa has been there for me and now I feel as if I need to give her a break. And, I'm not exactly sure how to do this. She wants to know what's going on and I tell her. I feel badly that her Dad's illness has effected her in such a harmful way. She also went through my surgery and recovery - so, it's been tough on her in ways I may not even know of.
Therefore, I don't want to make things worse for her and feel that I should back off. It's times like these that I wish my Mother were still alive. I just want to run to her and feel her arms around me as I pour out my heart to her. She was always there for me and I miss her so - especially now when the burdens of life are getting me down. She could always make me feel better no matter what.
I know that I always have the Lord. He is my constant source of peace and love. It's just hard at times to do all of this by myself. The Lord has put me in this lonely place to make me strong. I feel this and know it to be true. I could not grow if I always had someone else take care of all the problems. I have grown alot and have done things that I would have never thought I could do or get through. Sometimes I feel there is no one I can turn to. At these times I turn to the Lord. He has not forgotten me or left me in this place to face my problems alone.
I will remember to "commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass". He said it and I believe it.

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