Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Psalm 118:8

Psalm 118:8 "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man"
This verse was brought to my attention through an e-mail from a friend. When I read it at first I simply understood that the Lord is more powerful than man and it is better to trust him than to trust anything that man can do.
However, as I dwelt on this verse I realize that it means something in the lives of Ron and me. During the past 14 months of Ron's illness I cannot count the number of times that nurses and doctors told me to take Ron off of all life support and just allow him to be made comfortable so he could pass in peace. They all said there was nothing else they could do and that Ron's quality of life would be next to nothing. I had meetings with these professionals as they were trying to convince me to let Ron die peacefully. But - the Lord had convicted me many times during Ron's illness that he would not die. The Lord came through one morning in a very direct thought that told me God would save Ron's life to save his soul. I told the doctors and nurses this as they were trying to convince me to stop all efforts in saving his life. They didn't seem to hear me and acted as if I was not facing reality. I have to admit I was swayed back and forth over this - but one fact comes through. God's word and God's healing never swayed and never depended upon anything that these medical professionals could do. The Lord has been with Ron throughout his illness and recovery. Although it has been a roller coaster ride I would never want to take again, Ron is so much better right now. I know in my heart that Ron will get well enough and strong enough to come home. This is our dream - for him to come home. He will have quality in his life and his life will be worth living. The Lord is in charge and calls the shots - not me or all the medical "brainiacs" in the world.
I am still learning to trust the Lord. Sometimes I look at the world through man's eye - but it's when I can see through the Lord's eyes and listen to his quiet voice that I know He has been there all along guiding and loving me through the trials and tribulations. The Lord never lets me down - He didn't promise me a rose garden, but He did promise me love and that's beautiful beyond comprehension - at least for me.
How great is our God. He is indeed a mystery, but He continues to unravel his plans for us if we just trust and listen to His soft spoken messages.

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