Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Lord is working

I know that I have shared with you how many times nurses, doctors, hospital employees and even Lisa have told me to make a decision regarding Ron's care and life. Of course, Lisa has a legitimate cause because she does not want to see her Dad suffer. Anyway, Doctor Shah came by (he is the Pulmonologist that has been seeing Ron and I really really like and respect him) and wanted to know how Ron was doing. I was in the room and I asked Doctor Shah if he would ask Ron what he wanted - life support - full code which is breathing on a ventilator, heart resuscitation, tube feeding, etc. etc. Ron told him (mouthed it and used his head to answer yes or no) and indicated that he does want full cardiac support if his heart stops and he also wants to be kept on the ventilator even if it means spending the rest of his life in the hospital. He emphatically let the doctor and I know that these were his wishes. Dr. Shah said he would immediately document this in Ron's chart. I have had so many people asking me to make a decision on Ron's life, and now Ron answered for himself and I don't have to be questioned any further. You cannot imagine what a relief this is. I could never make a decision whether Ron live or die - this is totally up to him because he has full faculty of his senses. I feel that this was a blessing from God and a burden lifted off of my shoulders. I am so glad that I asked the Doctor and he was able to communicate with Ron. Ron is o.k., but still on the ventilator. I think they are afraid to take him off after what happened with his latest Code Blue. His heart rate, blood pressure and oxygenation are all in the normal range, so now we just wait to see what God has in store for Ron. Ron loves the Lord and indicated that he does pray for himself. This is something wonderful and the Lord is working on Ron. God bless Ron Briddick and keep him in His care!!!

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