I should have learned by now not to get too excited about Ron's recoveries. Shame on me. Christmas night at 9:00 p.m. I got another dreaded call from Reche Canyon telling me that they called 911 to take Ron back to the hospital. I guess he vomited and then aspirated on it and now he is back in ICU at Riverside Kaiser with aspiration pneumonia. He is doing well and although he had to be put back on the ventilator, they actually were able to take him off yesterday.
I don't know about anyone else, but throughout this "hell of a year", I have asked the Lord for specifics - He has indeed answered all of these prayers. I asked for Ron to get off the ventilator and he was taken off. I asked for the Lord to get Ron home and Ron was home for one week. I asked the Lord for Ron's salvation and I do believe Ron is saved. God answers prayers - He answered what I asked for. Yet - here we are back to square one again as has happened numerous times in the past twelve months.
I was there both times when Ron was a code blue - and both times they asked me if I wanted them to do life-saving measures on him. Of course I said "yes". I have begged the Lord to heal Ron and raise him off of that hospital bed. I have tried to force God's will to be my will. In other words, I have asked God to go along with me and do what I asked Him to do. Now, I don't think this is wrong. In the Bible it tells us to ask for anything and also the prayer of a righteous person availeth much. Not to say that I am righteous, but I do know that the Lord is the one constant and unfailing love of my life. Even when Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane asked His Heavenly Father for the cup to be taken from him, He ended the prayer with "nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt".
I now ask the Lord for things, but end with "not my will but thine be done". I get excited when Ron is better and I feel totally cast down when Ron gets worse. I am learning now to take "One Day at a Time". The Lord is in each and every day and I do trust Him with everything. I have to learn to be happy when Ron is better and not to fall apart when Ron gets worse. The Lord is with me throughout each episode and He is also there with Ron. One Day At A Time - The Lord tells me that he goes before me and he is with me and he will not forsake me - I am to fear not, neither be dismayed. One Day At A Time.