From Sandy -
Ron is continuing to get better. He can walk a little bit with a walker and he is getting stronger. No more setbacks as of this date. Praise the Lord for that. Sometimes I think the Lord wants us to ask detailed prayers when we find ourselves in distress. He seemed to direct me to ask Him for no more setbacks in Ron's recovery. Funny that as many setbacks as Ron went through, I didn't ask the Lord for this specific thing. I would ask for strength in Ron's body and healing and blessing - all of which I know the Lord heard and answered. But as I got more specific in my prayers, I could center on one thing at a time to ask the Lord to take care of. I believe that as I did this, it increased my faith in this one area and it was easier for me to trust the Lord with a specific prayer, rather than an all encompassing prayer for Ron's recovery. As I asked for the setbacks to go away, I knew in my heart that the Lord heard and answered. I don't know how to explain it, but I just knew without a doubt. Faith is believing that God "WILL", not that God "CAN".
Guess what I am trying to say here is that the Lord can act on specific things. We can ask for small things or big things and the Lord hears all of our prayers. Sometimes He directs us in just what to pray for. This is certainly not for His benefit, but it is for our benefit. This is how faith grows in us. To see the things we have asked for become real - this is the seed that is planted with our prayers and grows to fruition in the Lord's power and grace. Faith grows from a tiny mustard seed as pointed out in the Bible.
I cannot tell you how many times doubts and fears have come into my mind during Ron's illness. Each setback was a setback for me as well. My faith ebbed and flowed with how Ron was doing. However, I always knew in the back of my mind that the Lord had something planned for Ron. He has brought Ron through so many trials - infections, pneumonia, loss of blood, malnutrition. God would not bring him through so much distress and not have something planned for Ron's life. Right now I don't know what that is, but the Lord will reveal it in His time. I hope and pray for Ron's salvation. The Lord knows that Ron is a hard "nut to crack" and it takes what it takes to get someone's attention.
I am truly grateful for the recovery that Ron is now making. It continues to be a miracle - a miracle of God's making. So many times Ron was at death's door and now he is improving day by day. How amazing is our God - what love He has for all of us. It doesn't matter where we are in life or what we are doing, the Lord loves us all unconditionally. I have come to know that very personally in my own life. In younger years, I was forgiven much because I had sinned "much". I felt the Lord's love so much when I broke down in tears and begged the Lord to forgive me. It's called "Amazing Grace" that saved a wretch like me.