Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My appointment

From Sandy -

I did see the surgeon today. Everything looks good and is healing. However, he wants me to gain weight before my second surgery. I am trying to eat everything in sight, but I can't gain any weight. At least I haven't lost anymore weight. I am drinking Ensure and will drink even more of it. I drank down a large milkshake yesterday. Tonight I ate until I was so full I almost got sick. I guess the trick is to eat frequently and eat foods high in fat. Wow - never did I think I would have to eat to gain weight. I was called "fatso" in grade school.

Anyway - I am progressing and I see the surgeon in four weeks to schedule my second surgery. I have been so blessed throughout this ordeal. Complications I have had have been minor and I now have a bag that fits to my body and does not come off and leak all over me. I have back aches and I get light headed - but I am getting stronger every day. Agan, I thank the Lord for bringing me through this. The surgeon reminded me when I told him about my weight that I have gone through a very very serious surgery. It's been one month since the surgery and I can't believe how I have progressed. I cannot praise the Lord enough for the strength He has given me to get through this. He is my rock - He is my hope and strength - He is the love of my life!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Sandra, you have been through so much. Thank you for sharing you inner feelings and experiences. It helps us all in feeling your pain and joys. We are better able to pray effective prayers for you. Also, you are and will continue to be such a blessing to others that will go through this.

    I'm still lifting you up in prayers,
