Friday, September 3, 2010

I'm Back

From Sandy -

I want to thank everyone for their prayers. I know that the Lord honored each and every one of them. I went into the hospital Friday for surgery. I was wheeled into my room at midnight - My room was private which was wonderful and worth the wait. The nurses were great too. My doctor came to see me every day and was pleasantly surprised at how fast I was recovering. I was never nauseous from the anesthesia and was up and walking on Saturday - although not very far. I do have to tell you that sometimes the pain would grab me and I would almost faint, but it would come and go so quickly that it was tolerable. If I wasn't moving, there was no pain. The pain killers that were given to me worked very well. Getting up and down was painful, but I was able to walk alot in the hospital and eventually was able to take care of myself. The hospital food was horrible and my appetite still has not come back, but I can't complain. My surgeon sent me home on Wednesday because I was doing so well. He had very good news for me that the biopsy they took of everything showed no cancer. Thank the Good Lord. So, here I sit composing this post.

Although I think of the past few months as a nightmare, I know that the Lord was with me every step of the way. He provided me with just enough to get me through the day and I know Him and love Him much more today than yesterday. I can't believe how quickly the days have gone by since my surgery. It has been one week already and the worst is over. I do have to go back for a second surgery to connect a pouch that was formed out of my intestines. This won't be until the pouch and my body heal from this surgery.

I cannot tell you how blessed I feel to be here at home on the mend. One of my friends gave me a postcard that was a picture of someone in surgery and Jesus is guiding the surgeon's hand. This picture went with me into surgery and was kept with my chart. I get emotional just thinking of how the Lord had His hand in everything that concerned me and still does. One bit of scripture that kept me going was "Be not afraid -- Just believe". I feel as if I've been through a fiery furnace, but Jesus never left my side.


  1. Praise be to our Good Shepherd! We will continue to pray for your healing. He is indeed...In Control! Thankful for your testimony Sandy.
